RIG, Inc. Committed To Preventing Spread Of COVID-19 In Workplace

Rapid Installation Group, Inc. (RIG) interior protection services is committed to preventing the spread of disease in the workplace. RIG has developed the following worksite specific pandemic disease procedures alongside local health departments and providers in response to COVID-19 and other communicable diseases. Hand soap, hand sanitizer, tissues, no touch trash cans, and disposable towels will be provided at worksites.
Procedures (Safe Work Practices)
Rapid Installation Group interior protection services has developed flexible work policies.
All workers are encouraged to stay at home when ill, when having to care for ill family members, or when caring for children when schools close, without fear of reprisal.
Tele-commuting and other work at home strategies have been developed based on an individual basis.
Business Continuity Plans
In the event that a large percentage of personnel become ill, Rapid Installation Group Corporation will develop a strategy for continuation of work operations.
Business continuity plans will be prepared so that if significant absenteeism or changes in business practices are required, business operations can be effectively maintained.
Rapid Installation Group Corporation interior protection services encourages all employees to obtain appropriate immunizations to help avoid disease. Granting time off work to obtain the vaccine will be considered when vaccines become available in the community.
Internal Communication Procedures
To ensure proper internal communication Rapid Installation Group Corporation interior protection services will develop following: key contacts, a chain of communications, contact numbers for employees, processes for tracking business, employee status.
External Customer Communications
To ensure effective external/customer communications Rapid Installation Group Corporation interior protection services has developed a procedure to notify key contacts including both customers and suppliers in the event an outbreak has impacted the company’s ability to perform services. The procedure will include notification to customer and suppliers when operations resume.
Social Distancing
In the event that an outbreak or increased level of disease is in progress it is the determination of Rapid Installation Group Corporation interior protection services to limit large or crowded gatherings of personnel.
Social Distancing including the space between employee work areas and decreasing the possibility of contact will be considered.
Routine Cleaning
It is the policy of Rapid Installation Group Corporation to do periodic routine cleaning.
All areas that are likely to have frequent hand contact are cleaned routinely and when visibly soiled. Work surfaces are also cleaned frequently using normal cleaning products. Examples of areas to be cleaned are desktops, keyboards, lunch tables, doorknobs, faucets, handrails, water fountain, etc.
Ways to plan, emergency communication test and lessons learned like the following:
The Plan and Emergency Communications strategies shall be tested in some manner (for example a Tabletop Exercise) periodically, for example annually to ensure that they are effective. Following a pandemic event, the person responsible for the implementation of the plan should identify learning opportunities and take action to implement any corrective actions based on the lesson learned.
Rapid Installation Group Corporation interior protection services will provide periodic training on illness prevention, how to avoid the spread of disease, and company policies concerning illness. Employees will be trained on the following: health issues; initial disease symptoms; preventing the spread of the disease; and when it’s appropriate to return to work.
Communicating information with non-English speaking employees or those with disabilities will be considered.